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MMS & Optimized Outreach w/ ActBlue and Mobilize!

The Daisychain Team

We’ve been working on a few big features for Daisychain — here’s the highlight reel, with details below:


Also known as “picture messages”, MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) enables you to send out SMS campaigns that have JPG, PNG, or GIF attachments. For some types of outreach campaigns, there’s nothing quite like a visual to get your people engaged. Now, you can make that happen with just a few clicks:

Animated GIF Demonstrating MMS Functionality

(If you’re interested in sending out MMS messages, reply and let’s talk about the details!)

Optimized Campaigns - ActBlue and Mobilize

For clients that have integrated their Daisychain accounts with ActBlue (for fundraising) or Mobilize (for events management), our new “campaign goals” can help. For either platform, this will upgrade your SMS/MMS campaigns with:

  • Optimized short-links unique to each recipient
  • Pre-filled forms on the landing page, making it easier for recipients to RSVP or donate
  • Live analytics on who clicks/taps your link
  • A real-time report on overall conversions (RSVPs for Mobilize, and Donations for ActBlue)

We’ve got more detailed landing pages and explainer videos for each of these if you want more info:

Other Improvements

  • RSVP to Event Automation Step: this enables you to build automations that include a step to RSVP to a specific Mobilize event. One fun use-case for this: finance teams can now automatically RSVP supporters to events on Mobilize when they buy tickets on ActBlue.
  • You can now filter the People list based on Mobilize Event RSVPs, which makes it easy to send a quick message to everyone who is signed up for a specific event or shift.
  • Unread message bug: if you had a pesky red dot next to your Inbox icon, but couldn’t find any unread messages, it was a bug — and we squashed it.

One more thing: we’re building something special for organizations that want to do large-scale voter registration and mobilization. If that seems like something you’re interested in, email us and let us know 😉

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