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Charms: Personalized GIFs at Scale

Charms are personalized GIFs that you can text out to voters, donors, and volunteers. Use pre-made templates from Daisychain, or completely customize your own GIFs with your colors, images, fonts, and more.
Get Out the Vote, Optimized

We've combined data-driven best-practices for voter mobilization to help ensure that your messages have maximum impact.

  • Unlimited Contacts
  • Maps
  • Vote History
  • Polling Place Info
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Fundraising messages that break through the noise.

Stand out from the crowd by including engaging images that include:

  • Historical donations
  • Recipient name
  • Logo
  • Optimized ask amounts
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More dynamic recruitment.
Customize the content of your event recruitment with your organization's colors, brand, images, and text.  
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Bring your own colors, fonts, images, and personalized content to make your Charm unique.


Charms can be sent out to thousands or millions of people.


Charms use personalization and dynamic visuals to break through the noise.

Curious? Get an example charm texted to you instantly.

Fill out the form below to receive an example charm using sample data.
Note: this form will only work for US phone numbers. If you're outside the US, please
book a demo or contact us.

Check your phone in 15 seconds to see your Charm.

And if you don't receive it, let us know by emailing Thanks!
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