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Filters and Super Templates

The Daisychain Team

We’re hitting the ground running in 2023 with a fresh batch of updates. Here’s what’s new:

Assignment Filters: You can now filter both Pathways and the Inbox by assignment! This should make it much easier for members of teams to easily view the people and conversations that are most relevant to them.

Here’s what it looks like in Pathways:

Animated GIF of filtering Daisychain Pathways

And here’s what it looks like in the Inbox:

Animated GIF of Filtering Daisychain Inbox

Super Templates: we’ve added the ability to create “Super Templates”, which is a Pathway template that can also include an Automation, a Pathway Power Up, and more. Our first of these templates is designed for customers who are managing the moderation of user-generated ControlShift petitions. We’ll be rolling out more Super Templates in the future, but let us know if you have any that you’d like us to build!

Other Improvements:

  • People Assignments can now be viewed and edited right from the Inbox, in the panel on the right.
  • We’ve improved the ControlShift integration so Mentors in ControlShift are synced in two directions with People Assignments in Daisychain. We’ve also added a new Pathway Template for managing ControlShift petitions.
  • You can now insert variables for Custom Fields and your Daisychain Account Name into Messages.

As always, let us know if you have questions or requests. And if you’d like to talk through some of these new features or just do a refresher training, you can book a time to chat here.

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